Working papers

  • 2022

    Sustainable mobility and logistics for Central Asia: Research perspectives for a climate center

    Marat Idrissov, Yelena Yerzakovich, Hans-Liudger Dienel, Tom Assmann

    Urban transportation is on the one hand a vital component of a city and on the other a major factor of concern. The latter is due to the high impact on air pollution, carbon dioxide emissions, and fatalities. This is not just caused by the mobility of people but also, and increasingly, by the need to transport goods. Cities in Central Asia are often associated with strong air pollution and rising greenhouse gas emissions from urban transport contradicting the global strive for a carbon-neutral world by 2050.

    Energy Transition in Central Asia: a Short Review

    Dagmar Rokita, Rainer Sawatzki, Raushan Szyzdykova

    he five countries of Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, have each adopted climate targets to achieve the climate goals agreed in Paris by 2050.
    In this paper, the starting positions of all five countries are presented and the respective obstacles on the path to climate neutrality are identified. The starting positions in the countries with large oil, gas or coal reserves (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan) differ from the countries where the basis of energy supply are large hydroelectric plants (Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan).

    Analysis of sets of factors affecting the variable flow of the Amu Darya River to create a seasonal prognostic model

    G. Shadurdyyev

    The Amu Darya River is a transboundary river whose flow of the river in high-water years reaches up to 108 km3 and in low-water years up to 47 km3 and these are huge fluctuations in the water flow of the river for Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Afghanistan, that share water among themselves.