Sustainable mobility and logistics for Central Asia. Research perspectives for a climate center
Marat Idrissov a, Yelena Yerzakovich b, Hans-Liudger Dienel c, Tom Assmann d*
a Kazakhstan Industry Development Institute (KIDI), Z05T3K4, Korgalzhyn Highway 23/1, VP-25, , Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
b Kazakh German University, Pushkin str. 101, 050000, Almaty, Kazakhstan
c Berlin University of Technology, Straße des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin, Germany
d Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg, Institute of Logistics and Material Handling Systems Department for Logistical Systems
*Corresponding author email:

Urban transportation is on the one hand a vital component of a city and on the other a major factor of concern. The latter is due to the high impact on air pollution, carbon dioxide emissions, and fatalities. This is not just caused by the mobility of people but also, and increasingly, by the need to transport goods. Cities in Central Asia are often associated with strong air pollution and rising greenhouse gas emissions from urban transport contradicting the global strive for a carbon-neutral world by 2050. In the light of sustainable development, it is, therefore, the objective to reduce the externalities of urban mobility and urban logistics jointly.
The German-Kazakh University in Almaty envisions fostering the transformation to sustainability in Central Asia by setting up a climate center. One pillar will be urban transport. In this working paper, an interdisciplinary team of experts from Kazakhstan and Germany investigates fields of action and research for this center. The team describes stakeholders to involve, potential funding opportunities, and first actions for each of the identified fields. The working paper provides a fruitful basis for academics and partners to set up the center and to involve new partners.
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To cite the paper: Idrissov, M., Yerzakovich, Y., Dienel, H., & Assmann, T. (2022). Sustainable mobility and logistics for Central Asia. Research perspectives for a climate center. CAJSCR. Available at:
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climate center, climate change, sustainability, urban logistics, urban mobility, urban transport