Colloquium for Young Researchers: Towards developing International Collaborations

Call for the Abstracts!
Themes: Climate, Energy, Water Resources, Land and Agriculture, Sustainable logistics and other related areas
Deadline for an Abstract: 15th May 2022
Online Colloquium: 10th June 2022
Working papers series invites young researchers to take part in colloquium to bring together graduate students working in examining climate, energy, water resources, land and agriculture, sustainable logistics and other areas relevant to the thematic scope of the series. Authors are invited to submit the abstracts at the first stage of the selection process. The online colloquium will be organized for the selected candidates. The third stage is the submission of the working papers, the review process and publication of the papers. It’s a rare opportunity for Young Researchers to interact with experts from different countries and also to develop new international collaborations.
Overall, the goal of the colloquium is to contribute to the professional development of young scholars by giving them an opportunity to present and discuss their research in a constructive and international atmosphere. Participating young researchers will receive project-specific feedback from recognized experts in the field. The colloquium thus provides the opportunity to meet senior as well young scholars from different backgrounds working on related topics in the thematic scope of the series.
The colloquium will be based on working papers submitted by the participants. The young researchers will have an experienced scholar responding to their paper. In addition, the colloquium will feature a discussion with experts about the major requirements for a successful paper.
Submission guidelines
- Applicants should submit an abstract of 300 words that outlines the topic, rationale, theoretical approach, and, if applicable, empirical application. It is also advisable to inform whether the submitted piece is part of a compilation dissertation (article-based dissertation) or part of a monograph dissertation (chapter, overview). Every abstract should include the name and affiliation of a young scholar.
- Deadline for abstract submission: no later than 18:00 ALMT (GMTA +6) on Friday, May 15th, 2022. To submit the abstract, please fill in the form
- Notifications of acceptance will be sent by May 29th, 2022. The online colloquium will be held on Friday, June 10th, 2022.
No registration fee is required
Major deadlines
- Abstracts submission by May, 15th, 2022
- Selection of the abstracts by May 22nd, 2022
- Notifications of acceptance are sent by May 29th, 2022
- Online Colloquium: June 10th, 2022.
- The working papers review process and publishing by the end of 2022.
Working paper series seeks research evidence about new scientific inventions and novel ways of applications of scientific discoveries in the above-mentioned areas, as well as an important account of functioning, contextualization and customization of both novel and existing application of science as pertinent to countries in Central Asia.
The submitted abstracts must be in English, Central Asia –related with reference to one of the four thematic clusters:
- Climate
- Water
- Energy
- Landscape/Agriculture
- Sustainable Mobility/ Resource-saving production logistics
In selecting the participants for the colloquium, the Editors take into consideration the quality of the working paper meeting the following criteria:
- innovation and significance to the research community
- rigorous research questions and methods
- clear findings, results and outcomes
- the contribution to theory
The best published working paper award is KZT 250000*. The certificates will be issued to all participants, including the award certificate for best presenters in every thematic cluster.
- *including taxes
- The minimum number of final paper submissions is three. Otherwise, the competition for the best-published working paper is not held.
The selection committee is presented by the Working papers Editorial Board members:
- Editor–in–Chief: Dr. Barbara Janusz-Pawletta, Vice-rector for International Cooperation, UNESCO Chair Holder in Water Management in Central Asia at Kazakh-German University (Deutsch-Kasachische Universitat). Research interest: water governance;
- Dr. Iskandar Abdullaev, Deputy Director Two (CAREC Institute, Urumqi, PRC)
- Dr.-Ing. Tobias Reggelin, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Institute of Logistics and Material Flow Engineering (ILM), Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
- Dr. Hans Holzhacker, Chief Economist at CAREC Institute. Research interests: water/energy: agreements between upstream and downstream countries and potential cross-country investment in hydro-generation (e.g. Uzb in the Kyrgyz Republic, Rogun in Tajikistan), electrical grid, investments in alternative energy projects including hydrogen. Sustainable mobility: issues of transcontinental rail traffic through Central Asia (and rail versus road or air)
- Dr. German Trofimov, Kazakh German University
- Dr. Ankit Garg, Associate Professor of Shantou University, China. Research interests: water, landscape/agriculture and sustainable materials in geo- environmental infrastructure
- Dr. rer. nat. Gerd Schmidt, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
- Dr. rer. nat. Peter Liebelt, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg Institute for Geosciences, Germany
For any additional questions, please email to